Beam steerable loudspeakers in principle should generate vertically narrow beams of sound. That helps to deliver direct sound to the audience without bouncing it around the room, ceiling, floor or upper parts of the side walls. The position of such a loudspeaker in relation to the listener is one of the most critical factors. The recommended mounting height from the finished floor to the bottom of the loudspeaker is between 1.6 m to 2.5 m. Higher mounting position will lead to wider vertical dispersion needed, and that can result in compromised energy distribution. Think of the light laser—it is impossible to put light on the entire audience when pointing down, there is going to be a hot-spot only. There are other technical aspects, such as acoustical side-lobes produced as a by-product to the main lobe, to consider. The higher the mounting, the more aggressive down-steering needed, the more vertical coverage needed–that will lead to less directional beams.